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The rising influence of social media, digital advertising, and influencer marketing make it easy to question the relevance of traditional media. However, Bloomberg’s recent article, “The Man Who Made Nike Uncool,” serves as a powerful reminder of the press’s enduring impact. Just days after this unflattering profile on Nike CEO John Donahoe was published, Nike ousted Donahoe from his position. 

While earnings reports show that trouble for Donaho was brewing, the swift outcome underscores the power of legacy media to influence public perception and spark change at the highest levels. For nonprofits and socially responsible companies aiming to drive meaningful change, examples like this show the critical role traditional media plays in shaping public perception and creating real-world impact. 

Trust and Credibility 

One of the primary reasons traditional media continues to wield influence is trust. Surveys consistently rank legacy outlets like the BBC, PBS, and The Wall Street Journal among the most trusted sources of news. In a digital landscape littered with disinformation, clickbait, and unreliable sources, being featured in a trusted publication elevates a brand’s credibility in ways that social media cannot easily replicate. 

Good reporters fact-check their information, provide balanced perspectives, and dig deeper to uncover the truth. For nonprofits and companies working to solve pressing societal issues—whether it’s combating climate change, improving public health, or advancing human rights—this level of scrutiny becomes even more invaluable. Your work is more than just marketing, products, and lip service – it’s based on real issues and effects real lives. 

Unlike digital marketing or advertising, which can often be perceived as self-serving, traditional media coverage carries a weight of legitimacy. You didn’t pay the media to cover you; instead, they deemed your organization was newsworthy. When your story is told by a trusted outlet, it’s not just about gaining exposure—it’s about building trust that drives action, from securing donations to forming strategic partnerships or influencing policy. 

Accountability That Drives Change 

Nike’s leadership transition is more than just a corporate shake-up; it’s a testament to the enduring influence of journalism. Major news outlets possess the resources and reputation to scrutinize corporate decisions, expose inefficiencies, and reveal to the public the truth behind the polished facades of powerful institutions. This type of investigative reporting can lead to significant real-world consequences—whether that’s reshaping a company’s values, changing leadership, or sparking public outrage that forces action. 

For nonprofits and socially responsible companies, the essential lesson is this: Traditional media can amplify the voices of those working to solve critical social problems while holding governments, corporations, and institutions accountable. News stories that highlight societal gaps and bring attention to innovative solutions are key to driving change. They not only raise awareness but also catalyze action, urging leaders and the public to respond. However, media exposure is a double-edged sword: it can elevate your cause, but it also reveals the truth. This makes it essential to consistently act with integrity. When your mission and actions align, you have nothing to fear. 

You Need Both Traditional and Social Media.  

 While digital platforms play an important role in today’s communication ecosystem, traditional media has an unparalleled ability to drive accountability. The bottom line is that you need both. Social media is exceptional at building community, engaging supporters in real-time, and providing updates on the fly. However, traditional media offers the depth, context, and long-term credibility that digital outlets often lack. You can (and should) use them in tandem. For example, when you earn positive media coverage, post it on social media to reach more people.  

A balanced approach, combining the reach of social media with the credibility and depth of traditional outlets, is the most effective strategy for nonprofits and mission-driven businesses. This combination ensures that your message reaches your target audience with immediacy while carrying the weight needed to spur meaningful action. 

The Bottom Line: Traditional Media’s Role in Real Change 

As the Nike example illustrates, traditional media remains a powerful driver of change. For nonprofits and socially responsible companies, traditional outlets continue to hold a critical position in the communications landscape. Their reporting not only informs but also empowers—it pushes awareness into action, forcing institutions to respond to public sentiment and creating the potential for real-world impact. 

To make the most of this, organizations should seize opportunities to share their stories through trusted publications. When used strategically, traditional media elevates your cause, boosts credibility, and drives the kind of accountability that leads to lasting change.