Businesses have an obligation to serve others and the planet. The major challenges we face today — the climate crisis, poverty, racism, inferior education systems, and corrupt healthcare – cannot be solved by nonprofits and government alone. The trifecta of business, together with government and non-government organizations, is needed to create viable and lasting solutions. We believe deeply in Conscious Capitalism as a necessary force for good. As a Certified B Corp and a founding member of Conscious Capitalism’s Boston Chapter, Teak is more than a PR agency. We are agents for change.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: It’s in our DNA
We believe in the value and equality of all people, which is why Teak Media represents nonprofit organizations with missions that range from ending hunger to educating the underserved. Diversity and inclusion are naturally at the heart of our clients’ work and are hallmarks of how they run their organizations from leadership choices to serving their audiences.
We believe that education is at the core of an all-welcoming American Dream and that quality education for all is necessary if systemic racism is to be derailed. Among our goals as a company is to improve access to education, financial and emotional support, housing, clean air and water, nutrition, and other inalienable human rights to all by helping our clients gain exposure for their good work, raise critical funds, and scale.
In 2016, Teak Media took the B Corp’s Inclusive Economy Challenge pledge, in which we vowed to partner with vendors who represent all ethnicities. We continue, as a team, to educate ourselves about implicit bias through readings and workshops which help us learn, change and grow together, while at the same time improve our ability to serve as real partners to our clients.
Finally, we aim to develop a more diverse staff at Teak. We are working toward the day when the Teak staff is racially representative of the clients we serve.

Making the World Notice
Unleash the power of Teak Media to drive revenue for your socially responsible business.