Leaders of NPOs know how to solve major social problems. But explaining what they do and why they do it can be an unexpected challenge.


Teak’s nonprofit communications training will help.

CEOs and Executive Directors can tell you exactly what is wrong with government systems and agencies. They have solutions to the society’s greatest problems, from hunger and homelessness to mental illness and mass incarceration. Nonprofit leaders are informed and pragmatic problem-solvers. They have to be.

Even with all of this knowledge, years of experience, and incredible stories from the streets, many nonprofit EDs and CEOs become cautious diplomats when asked to make their opinions public. In other words, many would rather not.  Ever conscious of the political and financial ramifications of being outspoken, leaders leave much unsaid. They are wise to be cognizant of the delicate balance between funding, politics, and various relationships that affect their ability to do their work and fulfill their missions.

But, when a leader cannot speak directly and with candor about the challenges constituents face, her ability to powerfully convey her message, and thus generate the funds necessary for growth, are diminished.

Even the best leaders need help explaining their organizations’ missions, work, and results achieved.

Nonprofit Communications Training for Executives

Amid all the other challenges nonprofit executives face, communications, while so important, may go unpolished and even undefined. CEOs can benefit from direct, individually tailored one-on-one coaching to become more agile when speaking to media, donors, board members, community partners, and others who are critical to their success. Balancing all of these demands, CEOs must also be human, engaging, and inspiring when they speak publicly to funders and the media. And they have to get to the point, quickly. This is a lot to ask from people whose leadership skills are fueled by passion, persistence, drive, intelligence, experience, and an instinct to do what’s right, and not necessarily by communications proficiency.

In fact, many CEOs who spend long days, for years on end, engrossed in the work get stumped by the very common and basic question, “Tell me about your organization.” They don’t know where to begin, what exactly to highlight, and how to end on a powerful and memorable note.

The most effective messaging follows a formula – Problem, Action, Solution.

To get and keep financial involvement from government, corporate and individual funders, nonprofit leaders must be quick, compelling and concise when explaining the problem the organization working to solve, the actions it is talking to solve those problems, and the results that are being achieved. And, they need to know how to do this consistently, whether they are asked or not.

We know the problems CEOs and communications teams face and the messaging challenges their organizations navigate as they seek funding from multiple sources. At Teak, we teach the art of Fearless Communications, which is at once honest, graceful, diplomatic, bottom-line oriented, direct and savvy. Our executive nonprofit communications training system is informed by more than two decades of helping NPOs increase recognition and revenue.

We teach the value of candor in communications and how to use it to increase revenue.

Nonprofit Communications Training for LeadershipCEOs and Executive Directors need to clearly explain why what their organization does is so critically necessary. Teak prepares leaders with authentic messaging that explains the problem without hurting feelings, bruising egos, or making enemies when there are many alliances and allegiances to heed. Teak teaches how to plead the need, while maintaining the dignity of the people served.

Our intensive, one-on-one leadership coaching and communications team trainings are tailored to your organization and conducted over two or three days.

CEOs and Executive Directors will gain valuable communication skills to authentically:

  • Create compelling messaging that brings the problem, action, solution formula full-circle
  • Identify and create answers to the uncomfortable questions
  • Address issues they’d rather not face
  • Convey key messages, whether asked or not
  • Identify what they want to say and what they don’t want to say before conversations even start
  • Pivot questions to shift the conversation in their favor

Nonprofit leaders will be better prepared for public speaking, fundraising and media interviews because we:

  • Solidify key messages to be used in different occasions
  • Distill issues in an understandable, convincing and engaging way that inspires participation and contributions
  • Host taped Q&A interview sessions so that executives are consistent and comfortable speaking to different audiences
  • Review and improve investor decks and presentations to ensure that messaging meets the formula and drives the desired results

Benefits of nonprofit communications training:

  • CEOs and EDs gain confidence, ability, credibility and recognition as thought leaders
  • Organizations raise more money
  • Greater communications proficiency attracts more media attention and speaking invitations
  • Nonprofits grow and can serve more people

Bring your nonprofit to the next level of funding and credibility. Speak to Jackie Herskovitz Russell, president and founder of  Teak Media + Communication:  617-269-7171 or send her an email.

Inquire About Training
Nonprofit Communications Training for CEOs

Tailored, one-on-one CEO coaching and team training is conducted over two or three days.
Teak’s proven methodology is informed by more than two decades of helping NPOs increase recognition and revenue.

Client Examples
Client Testimonials

 I can’t say enough about the difference Teak has made for College Bound Dorchester. You have transformed our brand and exposed us to so many people. It is so appreciated.

Sean Curran, Principal, Waterville Consulting and Chairman of CBD Board of Directors

Client Testimonials

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