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As we step into a new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on achievements and set ambitious goals for the future. For public relations professionals, this is an opportune moment to develop plans that will elevate your brand and thought leadership, amplify your impact, and help you navigate the evolving media landscape.  

Reflect: What Worked and What Didn’t? 

Naturally, not all new initiatives pass with flying colors – that’s OK. What’s important now is to ask yourself which efforts and strategies made headlines, and which ones fell short of expectations? Take the time to figure out which tactics you should try again in the new year, and which pitches and processes need to be reworked and improved upon. There may also be a better way, tool, or timely event that you can use to get the job done. This time of reflection is a good first step in figuring out where to best put time, resources, and energy.  

Define: What Do You Want to Achieve? 

Especially in our field, it’s easy to get caught in reaction mode –news stories are published every day that seem like your PR team could respond to, there are last-minute events the programs team wants to promote, and the fundraising team has a new message they need to get out asap. It’s also important to be proactive as well. Look at the big picture and decide what your overarching PR goal should be this year. Then take time to figure out the strategies and messages that ladder up to the goal you are trying to achieve.  

Collect: What Can I Use this Year? 

Find and collect ideas that will get your company out there. Ask your fellow teammates, such as the events and programs team, about upcoming events, milestones, and launches. Assess who is best equipped to tell your story. Aare there hires within your organization? How about testimonials? Are there partners or clients who are excited about the work you’re doing and can talk about it? If you don’t know, ask around. Often the best stories come from the folks who do the groundwork.  

This is also a good time to investigate:  

  • Awards – Which awards tell the story you want to convey? When are the deadlines? Do they need research/data, if so, what metrics should you be collecting? 
  • Learning Opportunities – Are there events that are important for you to attend? Who will be there? When’s the deadline for the call for speakers and proposals?  
  • Timely Events – Zoom out and look at the calendar. Are there recurring events, such as COP and Climate Week, you should plan around? What about holidays and  giving season?  
  • Legislative Calendar – Ask your advocacy team about bills to watch. This helps monitor public sentiment and trend conversations.  

Knowing the resources and tools at your disposal will help you plot your path in the New Year.  

Adapt: Are You Keeping Up with Trends? 

The PR landscape is constantly evolving, influenced by changes in technology, culture, and global events. Now is a good time to update news trackers to make sure your keywords are relevant to current industry trends, social media conversations, and news cycles. It’s also a good time to check in to see if your tech is up to date. 

Crisis Preparedness: Are You Ready for the Unexpected? 

No PR plan is complete without a robust crisis management strategy. Anticipate potential challenges and develop a clear crisis communication plan. Being prepared for the unexpected promotes resilience and can minimize damage in the face of adversity. 

By reflecting on the past, defining clear objectives, collecting information, monitoring trends, and preparing for the unexpected, you can navigate the complexities of the PR landscape with confidence and purpose. Cheers to a year of strategic communication, impactful storytelling, and achieving new milestones!