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Social media is an essential tool for every industry now, but especially for nonprofits and socially responsible companies, which use them to directly connect with their audiences and promote their causes. However, the social media landscape is constantly evolving, and it can be difficult to keep up. Here are key social media trends that organizations in this space should be aware of when creating a social media content strategy for 2023.  

Video content continues to reign supreme 

Short form video content has become the dominant form of content on social media. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have all seen an increase in the popularity of video content, and this trend is only set to continue. Social scheduling platform Plann, states, “86% of businesses already use video as a marketing tool and 87% say video content has increased traffic.” Organizations should aim to create more video content, such as live streams, behind-the-scenes type content, team introductions, explainer videos, and testimonials to connect with their audience. With authenticity being another major trend in social media, brands no longer need to spend a lot on a slick professional video production; video shot on an iPhone will suffice and may even add an extra layer of sincerity.  

Social media puts the “network” back in social networking 

Not too long-ago social media apps were called “social networking” apps because their original purpose was, and still is, to connect people. In 2023, social media platforms will continue to focus on community building and creating opportunities for users to connect with others who share similar interests. Companies should do the same and focus on engaging with similar people and brands to form a community. Organizations should consider creating dedicated groups, I.e., Facebook groups, and prioritize strengthening communities on social media to connect with their audience and build relationships. 

Tailor-made social content 

In 2023, more brands will focus on creating tailor-made social media content for specific platforms. Since people often use platforms for different purposes, I.e., TikTok for entertainment and Twitter for news, organizations should reevaluate their presence on social media and prioritize particular platforms. Instead of pumping out content to every platform, brands should think about which platforms benefit their business the most and where their audience is, and then focus their attention on creating content that matches the needs of those platforms.  

Expansion of social and political activism 

Finally, 2023 is likely to see a continued use of social media as a powerful tool for social and political activism. Over the past few years, there has been a rise in the use of social media to organize protests and promote social and political causes. This trend is expected to continue in 2023. Nonprofits and socially responsible companies should be prepared to use social media to mobilize their audiences and take action on the issues that matter most to them. Hootsuite shares some tips for authentic social media activism, such as sharing how you are taking action, remaining clear and consistent, and humanizing your communication efforts.  

In 2023, social media will remain a key asset in connecting with audiences, promoting causes, and raising funds and loyal supporters for nonprofits and socially responsible companies. Organizations in this space should stay up to date with these trends, experiment with new technologies, and be ready to adapt and pivot. This will allow them to take their social media presence to the next level and achieve their 2023 goals.